Attention to all followers & newbies to our blog - Bagz Hauz Fashion
It came to our attention that more and more sellers out there - regardless if they are selling authentic or replica designer bags has been stealing our copyright images (complete with our name card displaying our company name prominently displayed on our photos taken)
Some are daring to merely post up our photos on their instagram and some took the trouble to blur off our name card logo!!!
Here are some latest samples of sellers using our images without our prior consent! Those we had previously warned has 'privatised' their Instagram OR blocked us from viewing their photos!
Please be informed that we at Bagz Hauz Fashion are NOT associated with any of these sellers!
This is another latest seller on Facebook who was daring to use our image and merely blanked out our namecard bearing our logo....
This is another latest seller on Facebook who was daring to use our image and merely blanked out our namecard bearing our logo....
These below are sellers on Instagram that steals our copyright images!!
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Warning posted on their Instagram after we were notified by our customer who came across our photo on this page! |
In addition to the influx of sellers on Instagram stealing our photos, we would like to reiterate that we DO NOT have any Facebook pages yea..
It seems that there are Facebook pages that are named similarly to ours...
Pix samples attached!
Once again, we are NOT associated with all these pages selling god knows what bags!
We thank you for your attention!